SCI ToT Guidelines

This Book is part of a series of 7 books that are ToT guideline tools for Community Volunteers and District staff who are part of “Our Promise” campaign. There are 7 books in Lao and 7 books in English.

SBCC Graphic Design Materials

For other materials like Videos, Pictures and Music from the SBCC campaign, please go to this link

You Can Stop It

These design materials were created to support a short film about HIV/AIDS in the Lao PDR and creating awareness about the stigma.

Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation US

Graphic design and Photography for exhibition in the National Museum in Luang Prabang.


These design materials were created to help promote a short film by Dorn Bouttasing about the main character’s struggle whose sexual orientation is not widely accepted by the society,


These materials are instructions tools for health volunteers working in Northern Laos.

Other design and photography work by Running Reel

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